When do we need to arrive?   
Check in is between 12:30pm and 1:30pm on August 5, 2024.

When do youth need to be picked up? 
Youth need to be picked up at 3:00pm on Friday August 9, 2024. Closing Mass is at 2:00pm. Pick up at 3pm.

Does my child need spending money? 
We do have a camp store where we sell snacks, drinks, t-shirts and other items. We suggest $60 for camp store for the week. 

Can I send cards to my kids during camp?
Yes! You are welcome to send an encouraging note to your camper(s) while they are away for the week. Feel free to include a little gift or an additional $5 for the store. Mail can be sent to:
Camp Yamhill
c/o (insert child's name)
19651 NW Old Railroad Grade Rd. 
Yamhill, OR 97148

Is there cell phone service?
No. In case of Emergency you can call the Camp Yamhill land line, 503-662-3710, and a staff member can get a message to your child. This should be for emergencies only!

What do I pack?
Please see the Forms and Information page for the full packing list!

What are the sleeping accommodations?  
Youth sleep in cabins with bunk beds. They are separated by grades. There are 4 female cabins and 3 male cabins with Youth Ministers/chaperones in each of them (in a separate room). We do not reserve rooms or roommates for campers.

Can my child be in the same group with his or her friend?  
If a youth/family has a specific need or request, please notate it within the registration in Eventbrite or by email to hcropescamp@gmail.com. We cannot guarantee all requests but will do our best to make each youth’s camp experience is as pleasant as possible.

What makes this camp Catholic?  
The short answer would be everything!  We have daily Mass, Catholic prayers and blessings, evening talks with Catholic themes and a night set aside for Reconciliation and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The staff is made up of Catholic Priests, Youth Ministers and Catholic Speakers/Musicians.

Can my non-Catholic friend attend camp?  
Yes!  We have youth who are not Catholic attend camp every year, however they should know that we are a Catholic camp and we do celebrate Mass every day. We also have teachings on the Catholic church, along with Reconciliation Services and Catholic prayers.  Although non-Catholic’s cannot receive the Sacraments, they will be expected to attend Mass, and participate in everything we do with the other youth attending camp.

Are there scholarships available? 
Higher Calling Ropes Camp does not offer scholarships, however many of the parishes offer opportunities to fundraise to help offset the cost of the camp. Contact your youth minister to see if they will be doing anything.

Where do I send camp forms and money if I am not registering with a participating parish?   
Please send camp forms and monies to:

Christina Kosiewicz
St. Edward Catholic Church
5303 River Rd. N 
Keizer, OR 97303